Sunday, March 21, 2010

Marshmallow Jesus and other musings.

For sunday school today, the teens lead the children. Around Easter it has become a tradition to make "Jesus in the tomb" bread. Basically, they take a Pillsbury Biscut dough piece and wrap it around a Marshmallow (Jesus) to be the tomb. When they bake it, magically the tomb is empty! Or, it's supposed to be. This didn't happen for Charlotte's biscuit. So Charlotte came over to me and said, "Jesus is still in the tomb!" I told her this is because he's always with us. This made for some other amusing comments during the lesson too. "The marshmallow is melted and gone, just like Jesus in the story!" (Actually there were several references to a melted Jesus). And another from Charlotte, "I have Jesus on my chin".

I forgot to mention this when I wrote about Bambi last time. Of course, when they are babies all the animals have little kid voices, which are normally high. When it becomes spring, they are given more grown up voices. So Charlotte says, "When they grew up, they turned into boys!" And yes, she thought they were girls when they were babies. :)

Just before St. Patrick's day, we were talking about all the different kinds of bears there are. Then Charlotte announced, "In Scottland, they say if you find a gold bear, then you are very lucky." She followed this up a few minutes later with, "They also say in Scottland that if you find a blue bear then you're not very lucky, but you're still lucky." So for those of you who are not up on your British Isles folklore, there you go.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dealing with death in children's media.

So we got Bambi from the library. We've had the movie for a couple of years, but decided Sammy probably couldn't handle it since The Care Bears Movie freaked her out. We read the book to them. I think Emily did the first run through. They seemed to handle it, though of course were a bit upset (or confused) at the death scene, and during the fire.
Peter pulled out the DVD last night when we had Pizza. Charlotte was SO excited that we had the movie version of the book. Sammy was quite nervous, but after some prompting agreed to watch it. They enjoyed the movie, though they were a bit upset during the "traumatic" scenes. But Charlotte was under the impression that "The Men took Bambi's mommy away." So I guess she doesn't quite get death yet.
Then today we were listening to "My darlin' Clementine" in the car. She keeps telling me that it's her favorite song, which has really surprised me. Then today she announced during the song (a couple of times) "She's not really lost, she's just playing." Again, I think she doesn't get it.

Sammy I'm not sure about. She internalizes a lot, and she's never asked us about death. I think she knows that death is gone forever, but I'm not sure what she gets beyond that.
So anyway, Here's a fun picture. Baba sent some fun lollipops for Valentine's Day, and the other day Sammy tried her out.
Also, I finally finished the Vandy sweater I was knitting for Peter. Of course it's too warm for him to wear it, but I might steal it during the tournament. I am very proud of the sweater, but I don't think I'll do another adult one unless I get a knitting machine. I started it sometime last summer. I thought I might finish it for our anniversary (HA) or perhaps Christmas (HA)! I was sure I would finish it in time for the Kentucky game. Or at the very least the home game against Kentucky. But it's done now! Also, I just have to say my teeth are killing my. I have the worst sinus infection I can remember. And I always get sick on Fridays. Well, it started yesterday, but today was the first time I thought I needed antibiotics, and of course I couldn't call the doctor's office because I also have laryngitis. So I ended up driving to the Urgent Treatment center, which was remarkably quick (though I felt bad about exposing the very pregnant doctor to my germs), and I got a Z-pack (which is great because I only have to take it once a day). Now if only it would kick in. Now.