Saturday, May 30, 2009

On Sunday

Peter is out of town. We've been explaining to Charlotte that he will be on his trip until Sunday. So Charlotte looks out the window and says, "But its Sunny right now!"

Tonight she asked me to put a hair band on her... one of those cloth ones that wraps around your head. This one had thin white, blue, purple and green stripes. When she was all set she looked at me and said, "Now I look like Santa Clause." I asked her why and she said, "Because I'm wearing one of these!" So I said, Santa wears a hair band? And she nodded definitively and said, "YES".

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kindergarten Graduation

Sammy has her kindergarten graduation tomorrow. They get caps and gowns and everything! The kids have learned a poem and a song to recite. Sammy's pretty pumped.

I've always sort of thought that kindergarten graduations were odd. I mean, why this grade but not say 2nd or 4th? should we do one every year? And its not like they are really going to flunk someone from kindergarten. I mean, extreme cases maybe, but I think pretty much every kid goes on to first grade. Not that I'm not proud of her or anything, but it seems silly. Still, the we get to see her in an adorable outfit and she gets to do her poem and all. Of course, Charlotte wants to be in the graduation now too. Thanks Southern Elementary!

Peter's missing the event. He's out of town for the annual ARML (Math league) competition. I got him a shirt for the trip. It says. "I was promised there would be math involved." Actually, originally it said "no math" but I covered up the word "no" with a smiley face patch. Perfect weekend for him to leave town too. (please read that with sarcasm) The girls are both in tumbling classes. Charlotte at 9 and Sammy at 10:15, with a 45 minute break in the middle. But this week they are doing pictures, so the girls have to be there 20 minutes early. Not that they EVER get pictures done before class. They wait until everyone shows up, realize other kids are getting pictures then cut class short and do them at the end. Sammy also has a birthday party to go to on Saturday. Then on sunday they have tumbling again, to make up for last week when tumbling was cancelled! At least Peter will be back on Sunday.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We went to Indy last weekend and had a fine time. Charlotte has developed a real attachment to Mimi. On the way home she slept most of the way. When she woke up about 45 miles from our house she started calling out, "Mimi! Mimi!" I know she can't wait until we visit again!

While we were in Indy we went to Toys R Us. I had some free $3 coupons that would expire, and the girls like to go and play. I used to be able to find things they really liked, but already they are getting beyond me. Of course, part of it is they like the bells and whistles initially, so it's hard to distract them. On the other hand, one thing that never fails is rubber balls. For all the other toys, charlotte wanted to play with rubber balls. Anytime we go to a store they want to play with or at least hold a rubber ball. Such cheep entertainment!

We did get Sammy a baseball mitt and I practiced catching with her. She can be good at it, but she hates it when someone tells her how to do something if she isn't doing it right. She can be very stubborn! We have to walk a fine line between getting her to accept help and getting her so mad she'll refuse to play. I was pretty successful yesterday, but I was also working on dinner at the same time, so we only played catch for a few minutes. Then Charlie Dot came home with Peter and she wanted to play. But she doesn't have a glove. Sigh.

Friday, May 22, 2009

A New (Blog) Home!

Since Geocitites is shutting down this summer, we have moved here. I'm trying to figure out how to import the old blog files, but Yahoo doesn't make taht easy! More soon.
In the mean time, here is a little anectdote. Yesterday morning Peter "stole" Charlie Dot's nose, as fathers will do. He mimed putting it in his pocket and said he'd hold on to it until we were at Mimi's this weekend. Instead of protesting as we normally expect, Charlotte simply said, Okay.
We all promptly dropped the subject and hadn't thought about it since.
Then at breakfast this morning, Charlie asked Peter, "Do you still have my nose?" After a moment to decifer this strange request, Peter reached for his pocket and said, "Oh, yeah. Do you want it back?" Charlotte responded, " No, we're not at Mimi's yet!"