Monday, May 10, 2010

New Creation?

Ah Charlotte. So, do you know about Jack and Annie? They are characters from a popular "Magic Tree House" series. They go on adventures and find answers in books. Sammy loves them, and therefor Charlotte thinks she loves them. (They are chapter books, so Charlie can only handle them in small doses).
Charlotte likes to open the books in the pews at church and follow along with us. Sunday she happened to pull out a bible. She did in fact identify it as a bible. Then she started to "read" from it. (Charlotte can barely recognize her own name on a good day). What I heard was something the the effect of, "So Jack and Annie decided to go on a trip. They took their bag. They got on a boat, and their Mommy and Daddy weren't there so they had to go by themselves...." I hadn't realized that they were biblical characters!
This morning she was telling me about caterpillars. She almost sounded as if she were reciting The Very Hungry Caterpillar (except the numbers): "So he built a small house around himself for more than two weeks and 40 and a million and a billion days. And then he came out..." So naturally I asked, "Was he a beautiful butterfly?"
"No. A Armadillo."


  1. This is how addicted to Facebook I am - I really wanted to "like" this, but was sad that I couldn't, until I remembered, hey, why don't i just say that I like this?
    So - I like this!

  2. And out of curiousity, was it a flying armadillo?

  3. I didn't ask, but seeing as how it came out of a cocoon, that would be logical. Incidentally, what is the difference between a cocoon and a crysalis?
